Story Development


Entry Deadlines

December 30th 2024 to January 13th 2025
March 17th to March 31st 2025
May 19th to June 2nd 2025
September 8th to September 22nd 2025

November 10th to November 24th 2025


Decision Allocation Commitee

March 12th 2025
May 7th 2025
July 30th 2025
November 12th 2025

January 28th 2026

Story Development

For feature-length films and internationally marketable series, FFF Bayern supports the development of the screenplay (feature film), the script (documentary film) or, in the case of a series, the screenplay for the first episode as well as the outlines for further episodes. Authors are eligible to apply if the material was developed by themselves or if the material was developed by a third party and the author has acquired the filming and exploitation rights. Producers with a registered office, branch or business premises in Bavaria are also eligible to apply if they intend to realize the project themselves and it is material developed by the producers themselves or material from a third party whose filming and exploitation rights the producers have acquired themselves.

The standard funding rate for fictional theatrical films and series is 30,000 euros. For the development of script for documentary films, including research, the standard funding rate is 20,000 euros.


Application Process

The application for script development of fictional theatrical films must be accompanied by a treatment with the entire plot as well as an elaborated cinematic dialogue scene. The application for script development of series must be accompanied by a series concept, a detailed treatment and a cinematic dialogue scene for the first episode as well as ideas for the further episodes, an exposé and a concept for the cinematic realization. If the scriptwriter is the applicant, the application must also be accompanied by a letter of intent from a producer based in Bavaria confirming their intention to realize the film project. Support for story development does not give rise to a legal claim to support for a film project based on the supported script.

Applications for story development funding may be submitted for all four FFF funding meetings exclusively via the online application portal. Before submitting an application, the responsible funding officer must be contacted by telephone or in person. Detailed information on how to submit applications can be found in the information sheet on Story Development Funding ("Merkblatt Stoffentwicklung").


Dramaturgical consultation and script approval

All applications including that for dramaturgical consultation and acceptance of a script funded by the FFF Bayern have to be submitted via the online application portal.


Treatment funding

The FFF Bayern supports the development of treatments for fictional feature films of outstanding artistic quality with up to 10,000 euros per project. Authors who have already written a screenplay for a feature-length film are eligible to apply. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. The application must be accompanied by a synopsis and a writer's note.
If further story development funding for the creation of a screenplay is granted for the project, the grant amount paid out will be offset against the first instalment of the screenplay funding.
Detailed information on submission can be found in the information sheet on treatment funding.



Please use the online platform for submitting your application.


Application Portal


Dr. Silvia Tiedtke

Funding Executive Project Development for Feature Films, Story Development for Feature Films and Series